News, events
The opening scenes were filmed in the FŐNIX OFFICE+
Megnyugvás a szemnek
Meglehetősen vegyes képet mutat az a debreceni belvárosi csomópont, amely mellé China Tibor tervezett iroda- és lakófunkciójú épületet. A belső kerttel és átriummal is rendelkező épület tömegével és felületeivel igyekszik nyugalmat teremteni a vizuálisan és forgalmi szempontból is túlterhelt környezetben.
Főnix Incubator House
and Business Center
Főnix Incubator House is located in the center of Debrecen in a frequented business environment, which is easy to approach, in the neighborhood of Fórum Shopping and Entertainment Center. Thus, it has excellent infrastructure besides its favourable rental conditions.
Our services
- Business premises rental (office, business premises, exhibition room, storage room, other premises)
- Conference, training and negotiation room rental suitable for holding up to 50 people
- Administrative, business administration and counselling services
- premium location, prestige corporate address
- excellent balance between price and value of the offices and other premises
- variety of services within walking distance
- 24/365 safety service
- open offices with the option of "piazza concept"
- flexible partitioning
- the building uses environmental friendly and energy saving technologies
- flexible low voltage system
- optical cabling
- fire alarm system
- card controlled personal elevator, service elevator
- openable windows (natural ventilation)
- dayligth for every office
- restrooms and kitchenette in every level
- air conditioning
- private parking
- bike storage facilities
- security
- complete on-site operation